
What is Email (Inbox) Management?

October 30, 2017

Over the next few blogs, I would like to discuss some of the services a Virtual Assistant can offer. The first one is email inbox management. When people hear about this service, they are often curious about what exactly it entails. Hopefully, this will clear things up...

Why Should I Hire a Virtual Assistant?

October 16, 2017

Congratulations! Your business has taken off and is doing great! You’ve got more customers than you ever imagined, but now you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed. Should you hire an employee? Here are a few things to consider...

Just What is a VA Anyway?

October 6, 2017

I recently started my own business as a Virtual Assistant/Contract Administrative Assistant. I have been so excited to tell all my friends and family about it, but when I shared what I would be doing I got a “congratulations,” with a big question mark at the end. Some of them have come right out and asked, “What the heck is a Virtual Assistant?” So, I decided my first blog for the business should explain what I will be doing...